First Sol Revolt

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The First Revolt was a conflict between certain elements on Mars and it's moons. The hostilities were resolved diplomatically.


Today it is understood that the main issue with the Tri-World Revolt was a severe disconnect between the rapidly-developing culture on Mars-based colonies compared to the relatively easy development on the Lunar Colony. In comparison, despite the huge problems that faced the first pioneers at the Lunar Spaceports - the social composition made it possible to finish construction with minimal stratification. The Mars Colonization Rush ran diametric to this same notion and social stratification skyrocketed.

Conflated with inadequate leadership at the Martian Corporations compared to the charismatic Prescott Initiative - the First Revolt sought to reform the federation by force and threat of starvation and violence on all sides.


Due to lag in communications and rapidly rising stratification of society - the highly centralized Federated Earth began leaking through the cracks. A noted rise in corruption in various ranks of bureaucracy combined with severe nepotism on the Lunar Colony landed a couple of wildly visible clashes between the central governing body and the localized establishments.


The rebellion itself was full of terror acts on a scale which was only being tested sixty years ago at the third World War. Starships crashed in city centers, high-visibility assassinations and profile murdering all played part.


Over time, and understanding grew on Mars and it's moons that these colonies, yearning of independence as they may be, are simply not ready for self-sustainability. Dependency on Earth proved to be a problem yet to be solved. This understanding, coupled with the numeric superiority of the federal forces eventually ground the rebellion to a slow halt.